Sunday, August 18, 2024

Rather the Exception (More Ogres)

    An ogre expansion pack for Spiceomancy’s excellent Ten Ogres post. Always remember, the world is too vast and too terrible for one law to rule over all.

An ogre who is not giant.
    It is said that Necromancer cheated his way into the underworld and stole the Necronomicon from Hades, and from its pages gleaned how to control the dead. Because of his size, he can blend in with the crowds of humans that now rule the earth and influence them. Going by names such as Vecna, Nyarlathotep, and Bony Bob, Necromancer spreads lesser, incomplete copies of the Necronomicon throughout the world so that his patented craft can be practiced by mortals.
    Only he among the ogres on this list actually wants to return to the age of the giants. Necromancer seeks the ruin of the human species so that the gigantocene era may once again grace Earth. He thinks he’s a lot smarter than he actually is, however, and every one of his dozens of intricate plots have been stopped so far by the Church’s super-secret arcane fire teams.
    A few of those fire teams have even managed to kill Necromancer, but he always returns a few years later sporting a new stitched-up scar. Necromancer can currently be found in Chicago, where he is attempting to start another necromancy pyramid scheme.

HD 5* (supernatural); armor as unarmored; 4 MD necromancer

An ogre who is not human.
    There is a rumor that in the elder days, when the Kinslayer was hunting her brothers, one of the more cunning Giants ripped his soul out of his body and stuck it in the heart of a town. This town — the first town, really — later grew to become a city, and then a metropolis. In this way, Cityback was reborn as an ogre.
    Cityback invented all the bad things about cities: pollution, crime, getting stuck in traffic, etc. He gleefully inflicts these woes upon the cities he is a part of, which is to say, all of them. The body of Cityback is not an ogre’s body, but the totality of all urban settlements across time and space. It is Cityback’s metaphysical connection with cities that allows wizards and other nasty creatures to travel between metropolises across spacetime in just a few hours.
    Of course, passage through the Cityback requires tribute…

HD ??? (how the hell are you going to fight a city?); armor as fuck you

An ogre who is not a monster.
    Erelim is an ogre who, after going through a midlife crisis for a couple centuries, decided to repent for his and his kin’s evil. After completing the seven trials given to him by the Superpope, Erelim was ceremonially locked into a suit of deformed golden armor and designated a high-ranking paladin.
    Now, he fights for the Good. He kills with a prayer for the victim’s soul on his lips. He fights demons, undead, and unspeakable horrors all in the name of protecting the weak. He is feared and respected by his fellows in equal measure, but never loved. He does not ask them for their love. He does not need it. He will continue his killing-work in the name of his brother-ogres, to redeem them all.

HD 5*; armor as warded plate; holy gigasword 1d12+1/1d12+1

An ogre who is not a man.
    The first autonomous warforged, properly named Warforged Unit 0001, was a humanoid robotic killing machine animated by a trapped ogre soul. Released onto numerous radiation-stained battlefields in WWIII, Warforged proved to be equivalent to a whole contingent worth of soldiers. That was until the ogre soul took real control over the automaton and started murdering friendlies.
    It was with a heavy heart that 0001’s creators activated its failsafe protocol and teleported it to Mars. After a little bit (216 years) of service to the local Martians, they decided to grant its request and teleported Warforged back to Earth so that it could take its revenge.
    Now, Warforged wanders the planet, the last knight of a long-forgotten war.

HD 5*; armor as plate; chainsaw sword 2d6, fist 1d12/1d12

An ogre who lives in the seawater.
    Not a true dragon, despite what he’ll try and tell you. Shark-like in body and temperament, Sahuagin can only infrequently go upon land to eat people. When he’s not Jaws-ing beachgoers, he’s vacationing in the arctic regions of the world, resting, and admiring the northern lights.
    The lights! Sahuagin has always been fascinated by those shimmering celestial ribbons and, when not hunting, has dedicated his life to finding out their secrets. So far he has discovered that they are a form of communication, although with what he does not yet know. Sometimes, he hires low-level mercenaries to acquire things for him in the human world. Then, of course, he eats them, but he likes to think of it as their final contribution to his science.
    All in all, he’s just your average obsessive ogre-shark scientist.

HD 5*; armor as chain; stats otherwise as giant shark