Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Secret Santicorn 2023

     A totally not late Secret Santicorn for Henry George. His prompt was "1d20+ worldbuilding questions for romance and courtship. Bonus points for generating non-cringe mechanics/procedures for pursuing romance based on these questions."
    I only came up with eight questions, but I figured something is better than nothing.

1d8 Worldbuilding Questions about Romance
  1. What are the “love languages” like in your world? How does magic and local culture affect them?
  2. What are some common courting rituals in your world? When is the common time to start courting?
  3. How are dating, marriage, and divorce treated?
  4. How are romantic relationships between different species perceived?
  5. Why is romance important to [insert culture] and not important to [insert culture]?
  6. How is romance affected when some species are immortal/live for centuries?
  7. How is the adventuring profession perceived when it comes to romance?
  8. What are some romantic taboos in [insert culture]?
A Small Simplistic System for Romance
    Over the course of one date, you have a natural CHA-in-20 chance of moving to the next romantic stage in your relationship. +1 for every 100 gp you spend on the date and for every personal trait that your potential partner finds attractive. -1 for every personal trait your potential partner finds unattractive, and -2 for every major cultural taboo you break.