Saturday, December 30, 2023

2023 Retrospective

    I thought it would be neat if I recapped my year on my blog. I know people probably won’t read it, but I endeavor to do it nonetheless. This list isn’t in any particular chronological order.

This year I...

Watched A D&D Movie

    And it was pretty good! I thought it had some good “player characters” that retained the quirkiness usually found through play and although the plot wasn’t necessarily unique, I thought it was archetypal in a good way.

Discovered A Wicked City
Joel Heard

    I took this page and read every single link on it, revealing to me a foreign land of taigas and vast deserts, clockwork machines and cloud spirits, deep-seated corruption and hope. I really appreciated a setting that drew upon a different mythology! If I had to select my favorite non-basic articles of Against the Wicked City, I’d pick the Unkindness class, the Crimson Lake, the Children of the Pines, the wrestling rules, and the Dahākans. Of course I think you should read all of it, but those are my personal favorites.

Tried Being A Cultist
Weather Factory

    Don’t worry, I failed miserably. I am not one to usually play video games but I managed to push through my normal languor and really tried my hand at Cultist Simulator. It was a pleasant surprise not due to the mechanics (which are not really my style) but the lore. By the g_ds, the lore. I have spent a dozen hours on Cultist Simulator, and probably a fourth of that on the Secret Histories wiki researching the game’s esoterica and symbolisms. That’s not cheating, you’re cheating.

Read A D&D Comic
Stephanie Hans

    DIE is an amazing comic. It blends traditional fantasy, D&D meta humor, emotional horror, and some breathtaking art all in one amazing package. If asked to describe it in one sentence, I’d say “traumatic D&D Jumanji”. I also recently received a physical copy of the DIE RPG and am very excited to look through its pages. Shall I run a game? Perhaps, perhaps not…

Started Jujutsu Kaisen

    It’s good! Not Chainsaw Man good, but I’ve only gotten through volumes 1 through 7 so far, so I’ve got a long way to go. Akutami is very good at succinct, flavorful characterization and has developed an engrossing power system.

Learned About Radical Catgirl Anarchists

    No, this isn’t particularly relevant or important, but I thought it’d be funny to include anyway. In mid-November I clicked on CHASE THE BLACK RABBIT by Throne of Salt. I was then swiftly whisked away to an oneiric realm of internet links and hyper-focus. An eternity later I emerged a (not so) changed man, but it was still an entertaining ride. I read this and this an this, and one of my goals for 2024 is to read through the Stealing Solidarity series.

Played In An Open Table
sackcloth and ashes

    I both played and ran games in the Shattered Coast GLOG server, as referenced here and here. It was quite a fun time with lots of chaos, adventure, and growing pains. Most of the time I played Alexander, Warmind B, but near the end of my stint there I played Alice Gardener (whose picture you can see above), a PALADIN. She was present for one adventure which was never really completed, and ended her career with a sum total of 0 XP, but she was a blast to play and has officially taken up residence in my brainspace.
    I also met a lot of new people through Shattered Coast who I now talk to semi-frequently! Shoutout to the esteemed personages Gorinich, Vivanter, and the ever-elusive Abyssin.

Got A New Best Friend

    By which I mean dog. Readers of my blog, meet Copper, a very good boy. He loves to go on walks but the rest of the time is a very dedicated couch potato.


    There you have it, the highlights of my year. I wish the readers of this blog a peaceful and successful 2024.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Live By Them, Die By Them


    The tengu is a wild spirit of violence and death, preferring isolation and hermitage in hidden mountaintop monasteries and secluded, mist-covered valleys. Their appearance varies: most of the time they are flightless bird-like humanoids, but they also come in dog-like and flighted bird-like variants. They are universally master swordsmen, able to perform supernatural feats of blade work, and are thus regarded as some of the best teachers of the fighting disciplines.
    Those who would seek one out should be wary, however. It is known that if you fail a tengu’s test of strength (usually made up on the spot), you shall be forever turned away, or, more likely, sliced into teeny, tiny pieces.

HD: 4 (22 HP)
AC: 14 (warrior reflex)
Attacks: two +3 sword attacks OR 2x +1 unarmed attack 1d4
Move: 40' normal, 35% chance of having a flying speed of 20'

Inventory: 1d4 swords of varying make (see below), fearsome battle mask.
Mien: vain, viciously cunning, wise.
Goal: to kill the weak and train the strong, to be alone.

Parry: A tengu may parry an incoming melee attack as a reaction once per round, reducing incoming damage by 3.

Killer of CowardsTengus disdain the use of magic and refuse to use it. They have a +2 on Saves versus Magic, and have an additional +1 to hit full casters.

Kensei: Once per day, a tengu may turn swords. Treat the HD of the wielder as the HD of the sword for purposes of the turning attempt. Magic swords may have bonus HD. Swords with HD fewer than 3 are turned, while swords with HD fewer than 1 are destroyed.


On a Tengu's Tools
    Tengus love swords. They like to meticulously explain every single detail of a particular blade right before killing someone with it. They are collectors and connoisseurs, snatching them from the corpses of prospective students.  Folklore also mentions that a few tengu (maybe a 10% chance) will trade a free apprenticeship for a particularly rare sword, though mentioning this upfront to a tengu is likely to get you screeched at and stabbed.
    A tengu starts with 1d4 swords. For each sword, roll type and material.

1d6 Sword Types
  1. Katana. A medium blade that lets you add your initiative bonus to your first attack's to-hit and damage.
  2. Wakizashi. A small blade typically used by a samurai as a secondary weapon or status symbol.
  3. Nodachi. A heavy blade.
  4. Naginata. A medium blade that has the properties of a spear, if that matters in your system.
  5. Longsword. A medium blade from a faraway land.
  6. THREE WORD SWORD. A sentient blade with varying properties.
1d10 Sword Materials
  1. Steel. Functions as normal.
  2. Bronze. Easy to repair when broken.
  3. Silver. Can hurt ethereal creatures and reverts shapeshifters to their true forms.
  4. Obsidian. Breaks on a roll of minimum or maximum damage.
  5. Chardun. Described here.
  6. Meteoric Iron. If broken, randomly teleports the user 60'.
  7. Ossgold. Described here.
  8. Titanium. A purified version of iron. Destroys the souls of its victims.
  9. Adamant. Described here.
  10. Roll twice and combine the two.
Anato Finnstark

On a Tengu's Students
    If you can get past all its trials and challenges, a tengu is a valuable teacher. If you train with a tengu for a season, you may choose one of the following: gain +1 to-hit with swords, or, if you have enough XP, gain a template in your local Fighter class. Regardless of what you pick, you also gain a cool scar (describe its location and the story behind it) and now know 1d4-1 fellow students of the tengu. Use this generator to ascertain their details.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My Sky My Hour My Night

    In this post I steal from my betters, namely RowanAMon of The Bottomless Sarcophagus. I highly recommend you check out his two posts on the White and Red forms of elves to read about his unique take on a classic fantasy species.
    All art in this post is by hoooook.

A White Elf.

White Elves
    As a White Elf, you get a +1 bonus to your Intelligence score (or +2 SKLL if you're playing G20) at character creation. Additionally, you may speak and write Elvish, a highly complex language with several layers of symbolic meaning hidden in every word. Most mortals will have no idea what you are saying, but other elves and spirits might.
    Your outdated immune system means that you suffer a -4 penalty to saves versus disease, infection, and mutation.

An elf in their terrible Red form.

Red Elves
    You get a +1 bonus to your Charisma score (or +2 SAVE) if you are a Red Elf. As a tough and sexy bastard, you start with an additional +2 HP (or the equivalent in a different system).
    Red Elves are flighty and violent creatures, however. Whenever you are disrespected or slighted by someone new, save versus animalistic rage. The GM may also call for you to save versus rage if you are grievously insulted, even if it's by someone you already know.

The Red Queen, the goddess who both saved
and cursed the elven species.